Game Review: Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times

System: Nintendo DS
Submitted by: Yueying (member)
Genre: Virtual life

In Animal Crossing: Wild World, you get manipulated and exploited by a Bell-grabbing raccoon. Now, Konami let's you enjoy being exploited by principals of a magic school. Solve the 52 mysteries, because you are the chosen one! It is the same formula, in your own time and target, earn money, buy stuff, annoy all the people living in the town.

Gameplay: For those who have never experience the world of Animal crossing on DS, this may offer a refreshing gameplay, you either love or hate. Lacking a real ending or aim in this game, you set your own goals to achieve, be it collecting all the bugs available, solving all mystery quests or becoming a Master Wizard accolade. You get to buy clothes, furniture, instruments and music CDs to customize and enrich the life of your playable character. Since the game is in real time, events will also occur on special days. However, being designed to last at least 365 days, the waiting time for the next quest or new classes could be unbearable and gameplay could be reduced to repetitive fishing, bug catching and interactions with the NPCs. Magician Quest: Mysterious Times is also striking similar to "Wild World". With slight modifications and the addition of 'quests' to complete, you should reconsider buying the game unless you are excessively interested in the quests available in the game. The game allows Wifi and multiplayer options but I do not have the ability to test these features.

"Your evaluation depends on this, you better do as told."

Sounds and graphics: The background music is nothing impressive, mostly consisting of variations of classical pieces. The music you get from the CDs cover a wide range of musical genre but most of them causes headache for whatever mysterious reasons. The 3D graphics could be considered cute and pretty well done with the constraints of the DS, there are some glitches when using the stylus though.

The school is embarrassingly small.

Replay value/ Extra features: It isn't a question of replaying but whether you want to continue playing it since there are changes over time, such as residents moving in and out of the town and seasonal changes. To actually restart playing the game, serves very little purpose. A thing I fail to mention above is about the spells you cast, you can play pranks on other NPCs by making them fart or zapping them. Something you can do all day, imagining that those residents are people you don't like in real life.

Verdict: It is essentially fun in a mindless sort of way since you can do what you want. Plus, you never have to fret over getting Game Over unlike harvest moon. Thus, it deserves a 7! (Highly unrecommended for Action-seeking players)

Game Score: 7.0/10

Disclaimer: Pictures are video are shamelessly taken from other websites

VG Dept. Head's Comments: I Like this review. I'm really digging your humorous style of writing. I'm a fan of the Animal Crossing series, and I was surprised at how similar this game was to it. If the residents in this game are anything like the ones in Animal Crossing, the part about zapping them with spells sounds really appealing to me :). Keep up the good Work!

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